I've Never Felt More Confident That The Eagles Are Going To The Super Bowl

Enough time has passed now to assess just where exactly the 2019 Philadelphia Eagles men’s professional football team goes from here. Make no mistake about it–yesterday’s loss was about as frustrating of a loss as they come. The coaches called the game like a bunch of braindead idiots. Miles Sanders can’t hold onto the ball. Nelson Agholor did his favorite thing where he manages to somehow be both the worst and best player on the field at the same time. The D-line can’t get to the quarterback for shit and Fletcher Cox has disappeared. Jason Peters is showing his age and couldn’t handle the heat. JJ Arcega-Whiteside is…well…

You could go on and on about how pretty much everyone besides Carson was god awful yesterday. But you know what? If there’s one thing you can say about the Philadelphia Eagles, it’s that they’re always at their best when their backs are against the wall. Which is super frustrating because it means that the team usually needs to find themselves in some sort of hole they need to dig themselves out of before they really turn it on, but that just seems to be the way they operate. And even though this might be a little earlier in the season than most of us would have liked for this team to need a “backs against the wall” mentality, here we are.

The Eagles needed these two losses because they’re not nearly as good as they thought they were before the season. That’s not even just because of the injuries. They can be as good as they’re supposed to be and they should be as good as they’re supposed to be. But for some reason, they’re just not. So you lose two games back-to-back and now it forces you to look in the mirror and change how you do things. So you get all of that out of the way now, and then you have the rest of the season to build toward a playoff run. I mean just look at the 2018 New England Patriots. They started off the year at 1-2 last year with their 2nd consecutive loss coming against Detroit in week 3. Then they strung together 6 wins in a row, finished the regular season at 11-5, and went on to win their 6th Super Bowl.

Get it started on Thursday in Green Bay. Rack up their 6th win in a row against the Bears on November 3rd. Bye week. And then start their run for another Super Bowl against New England at home coming out of the bye week. Yesterday’s game sucked. There was so much to hate about it. But maybe–just maybe–an absolute dog shit start to the season is exactly what this team needed. Now somebody please place the entire team in bubblewrap so nobody else gets hurt before Thursday.


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